10 Reasons The Rest Of The World Thinks The U.S. Is Nuts by Soraya Chemaly Feminist, Satirist, and Media Critic This week the Georgia State Legislature debated a bill in the House that would make it necessary for some women to carry stillborn or dying fetuses until...
from NYtimes.com By THOMAS B. EDSALL The publication last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of “Higher Social Class Predicts Increased Unethical Behavior†provided fresh fodder for the liberal critique of the Republican Party and the...
8 Women File Lawsuit, Accuse Military Of Having ‘High Tolerance For Sexual Predators In Their Ranks’ WASHINGTON — Eight current and former members of the U.S. military allege in a new federal lawsuit that they were raped, assaulted or harassed during...
http://youtu.be/2RcplNZwo78 Mission: Occupy Cultural Media is a grass roots organization that serves to protect children from the hypersexualization and objectification of women and children in the media. Federal regulation and enforcement must be implemented to...