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Threats to Your Vote

12 threats to your vote Intimidating letters. Pressure from employers. Phony mailers. Dirty tricksters are trying to steal the election (FROM SALON) BY ALEX SEITZ-WALD With just 10 days left to go until the election, this is where the campaign can get a bit sketchy as...
New Zealand’s Example

New Zealand’s Example

Let’s take a look at the impact of decriminalizing prostitution in New Zealand. They have allowed decriminalized prostitution since 2003. Below is a summary of recent news reports on the topic. Please go to original article to read ARTICLE LINKS: A review of our...

The Sexualization of College Girls

by Marissa Reed *Trigger warning: graphic quotes and pornographic-like material is associated with the webpage of critique It has been a few years since I’ve been on my state college campus as a student, but that doesn’t block the memories from my undergrad years. ...

The Importance Of Trivialisation In Cementing Social Control

By Colin Todhunter Knowledge in modern societies has expanded to the point whereby specialisms and sub-specialisms are the norm. It is just not possible for one person to have in-depth knowledge of every discipline. We must rely on others to convey...

Your Right To Access Birth Control

AND. . . Find out How Romney and Obama differ in the areas of Religion, ERA, Violence Against Women Act, Saundra Fluke, and Planned...

Poor Electorate Disenfranchised

A Swing State Disenfranchises Its Poor Electorate By Aura Bogado As we noted on Thursday, the issue of poverty was conspicuously missing from the first presidential candidates’ debate. While the term “middle class” was traded more than thirty times between Obama...