AN INVISIBLE OPTION IN THE AFTERMATH OF SLAUGHTER’S “WHY WOMEN CAN’T HAVE IT ALL†by Lisa Wade I’ve been watching the response to Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Why Women Still Can’t Have It All roll out across the web. Commentators are making excellent points,...
Watch Karl Rove twist the law to produce ads that don’t have to disclose the donor due to the protection of a Non-profit status called 501(c4) status. This legal maneuver could prove lethal to a gullible public. Watch this in-depth report on how the electorate...
German Ruling Against Circumcising Boys Draws Criticism By NICHOLAS KULISH BERLIN — A German court in Cologne ruled on Tuesday that circumcising young boys represents grievous bodily harm, a decision that could have significant repercussions for religious groups....
By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK Egypt’s military rulers and the Muslim Brotherhood escalated their confrontation on Friday as the generals threatened to use “the utmost firmness†to preserve their authority and the Islamists presented a reunited front with some of their...
June 19, 2012 Free Speech for Computers? By TIM WU from NYTimes DO machines speak? If so, do they have a constitutional right to free speech? This may sound like a fanciful question, a matter of philosophy or science fiction. But it’s become a real issue with...
Young women who report that their romantic partners look at porn frequently are less happy in their relationships than women partnered with guys who more often abstain, new research finds. The study bolsters some anecdotal evidence that men’s porn use can shake...