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The Art is Absent

We live in a world where critiques of art are more acceptable if they are academic and not too critical of content. A layperson critical of art is likely to be dismissed as ignorant, conservative or a censor. We are trained to be accepting and tolerant of others,...
Make Your Own Media on OWS

Make Your Own Media on OWS

Blatantly Biased Tabloids and Clueless Mainstream Media Keep Missing the Obvious Big Story at OWS Many mainstream news outlets are flummoxed at best, condescending at worst, when it comes to their coverage of the new movement. By Sarah Seltzer “Occupy Wall...

Brothel Prisons

‘I’m selling sex like McDonald’s sells burgers. Legally’; Owners of lawful brothels in Nevada claim their hookers are well cared for but Julie Bindel finds virtual prisoners Julie Bindel for the London Times SECTION: T2;FEATURES; Pg. 6,7...