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Remain Calm

Remain Calm

It is such an irony that Japan would experience such a catastrophe with their nuclear power plants. Most reactors are built to withstand 7.5 magnitude. We have two reactors near seismically active faults on the coast in California: San Onofre and Diablo. Both are...

Support Women’s Voice in Egypt

The Christian Science Monitor – In Egypt’s Tahrir Square, women attacked at rally on International Women’s Day After helping to overthrow Mubarak, Egyptian women – and some men – demonstrated today in favor of giving women more of a...

Farewell Lapham’s Notebook

Kudos to Lapham for his many years of fine writing. I appreciated how he often made me think and for this rare gift we offer our readers his final piece from Harper’s NOTEBOOK      By Lewis H. Lapham Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own...


I write this in solidarity with the millions who recently marched throughout Europe calling for the media’s recognition of women’s dignity. The march, which began in Italy, called for Berlusconi’s resignation using the slogan; “If not now, when?” It seems as...

Attention Journalists

Now, this is the way journalism needs to be done. We wonder where were all the currently angry Wisconsin democrats in Nov. 2010 when they were needed to keep Russ Feingold in office? Wisconsin had a big 50% voter turnout but Republicans won easily! Let’s get to...