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Over $50 Million Withdrawn From Big Banks

Over $50 Million Withdrawn From Big Banks

Move Your Money Day a Success; Over $50 Million Withdrawn From Big Banks by Sarah Jaffe Around the country, in groups and individually, Americans voted with their dollars this week to move away from the banks that caused the economic crisis. Around the country this...

Not His “Accuser”

DSK’s Alleged Victim Should Not Be Called His “Accuser” By Jackson Katz Can we please stop referring to Nafissatou Diallo as DSK’s “accuser?” She is his alleged victim. Every time someone calls her an “accuser” they...

The John Next Door

The men who buy sex are your neighbors and colleagues. A new study reveals how the burgeoning demand for porn and prostitutes is warping personal relationships and endangering women and girls. By Leslie Bennetts Newsweek Men of all ages, races, religions, and...


Have you ever noticed when a corporation is taken down for its abuse and malfeasance that the CEO is suddenly female or as is the case with the U.S. Presidency, black? So, we have an African-American male president who inherited and added to incalculable debts is now...
Use the Sticker

Use the Sticker

RESISTANCE TO OBJECTIFYING ADVERTISING Who needs an excuse to feature public resistance to marketing that is sexually objectifying to women? We include some of our favorites and link to Sociological Images to view more. Enjoy this small sampling of how some fight the...