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Occupy Cultural Media Mission: Occupy Cultural Media is a grass roots organization that serves to protect children from the hypersexualization and objectification of women and children in the media. Federal regulation and enforcement must be implemented to...
Make Your Own Media on OWS

Make Your Own Media on OWS

Blatantly Biased Tabloids and Clueless Mainstream Media Keep Missing the Obvious Big Story at OWS Many mainstream news outlets are flummoxed at best, condescending at worst, when it comes to their coverage of the new movement. By Sarah Seltzer “Occupy Wall...
Use the Sticker

Use the Sticker

RESISTANCE TO OBJECTIFYING ADVERTISING Who needs an excuse to feature public resistance to marketing that is sexually objectifying to women? We include some of our favorites and link to Sociological Images to view more. Enjoy this small sampling of how some fight the...