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Egypt Exploding

Unedited footage of Egypt’s uprising E S or Egypt’s Streets on Facebook seems to have updated information on the uprising. It appears Morsi is under house arrest. for more information as the military has seized control of the media....

Freedom of Press?

News media are lap dogs to the corporate powers that control them. Watch this trailer and check out Shadows of...

Survivors Stand Up To Violence

Women hit back at India’s rape culture A self-defence group in Lucknow have a simple message to the men who make their lives a misery – stop it, or else The male tormentor of the young women of the Madiyav slum did not spot the danger until it was too late. One...

The Importance Of Trivialisation In Cementing Social Control

By Colin Todhunter Knowledge in modern societies has expanded to the point whereby specialisms and sub-specialisms are the norm. It is just not possible for one person to have in-depth knowledge of every discipline. We must rely on others to convey...