by | Jul 12, 2013 | Blog, Media Exploitation Gallery, Racism
DEPP’S “TONTO” COSTUME BASED ON A NON-NATIVE ARTIST’S WILD IMAGINATION by Lisa Wade, PhD, From Sociological Images Johnny Depp is playing the character of “Tonto” in the movie re-make of The Lone Ranger. Critics of the original series have observed that Tonto, the...
by | Jan 19, 2013 | Blog, Media Exploitation Gallery
Majority of Voters of Every Race Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform by Seth Freed Wessler The overwhelming majority of 2012 voters strongly support the passage of a comprehensive immigration reform bill that includes a path to citizenship for undocumented...
by | Jan 18, 2013 | Media Exploitation Gallery
A year ago today, you, me, and 24 million people defeated SOPA and Internet censorship. It was the largest online protest ever. It was amazing! Today, a lot of friends from the SOPA fight are declaring January 18th “Internet Freedom Day,” and we want your...