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Stand up To Violence

We have collected some of our favorite coverage of this horrific event. We are working on a larger piece that poses the question, “When will men, as the powerful demographic that they are, tire of the violence perpetrated in their name?” Stay tuned. Gender...
New Zealand’s Example

New Zealand’s Example

Let’s take a look at the impact of decriminalizing prostitution in New Zealand. They have allowed decriminalized prostitution since 2003. Below is a summary of recent news reports on the topic. Please go to original article to read ARTICLE LINKS: A review of our...

Ruling Against Circumcising Boys

German Ruling Against Circumcising Boys Draws Criticism By NICHOLAS KULISH BERLIN — A German court in Cologne ruled on Tuesday that circumcising young boys represents grievous bodily harm, a decision that could have significant repercussions for religious groups....

Men’s Porn Use Linked to Unhappy Relationships

Young women who report that their romantic partners look at porn frequently are less happy in their relationships than women partnered with guys who more often abstain, new research finds. The study bolsters some anecdotal evidence that men’s porn use can shake...


From Sociological Images.. Elliott J. sent in a comic by Kris Straub, who posts at chainsawsuit, making fun of the way that marketers often try to masculinize products that are associated with women, making them safe for men to consume. After reading the comic, I...